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Upcoming Events

Join us in spreading warmth and joy to children battling cancer in the DFW area. Our donation drive runs from October 13 to December 18, 2024. We invite you to contribute by donating new packs or pairs of socks and pajamas—whether they’re fun, silly, fuzzy, sporty, colorful, or plain.


These items will be distributed to babies, children and young adults in local DFW hospitals. 

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Raven A. Fecunda, our founder had a dream.

​Raven's dream was not to allow paper

books to ever go away. Raven wanted all

children, especially children who are fighting

cancer and diseases beyond their control

to have access to learning through the

power of books. Raven felt that books

provide an escape for the mind to focus on

different elements other than the disease.

Raven said, "| love to read. It takes me

places that I am physically unable to go. Reading enhances my imagination all while

creating a safe place of escape It allows me to focus on not being sick, even if it's for a short time."


So, in essence we the RAFSOD Foundation are dedicated to continue Raven's legacy through our Keeping Literacy Alive with books campaign.​  We will ensure that your child or children have paper books to enjoy, hold, and create everlasting memories.

Adopt A Street Program

We are very excited to be a part of the KMB adopt a street program in the city of Mansfield Texas. 


We were filled with many emotions, seeing Raven's name on the street sign. Just knowing how many people will see it and be blessed is also humbling. May everyone that travels on this street be blessed with safe travels and God's arriving grace to their destinations.


Our little girl never ceases to amaze. Even after life on earth, her legacy is still moving and being a light to all who see it in one way or another. 


More pictures to come of our clean-up events. Please contact us if you are in need of community service hours. 


We Need Your Support Today!

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